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Ava verwenden, um Videos und Podcasts zu beschriften, ohne Ton über Ihre Lautsprecher abzuspielen 🔊 (Windows)

Möchtest du ein Online-Video oder eine Besprechung mit Untertiteln versehen, ohne die Computerlautsprecher aufdrehen zu müssen?

Vor über 3 Jahren aktualisiert

For our guide on using Ava on an Apple (Mac) computer without playing sound on speaker mode, click here.

1. Open and log into Ava Web/Desktop

2. Click on Start Captions Now (or join a room)

3. Once you're in the conversation screen, navigate to the menu on the left-hand side and set the microphone to "Ava Mic"

If you're using Ava Web, you'll have to give Ava permission to access the sound (you don't need to do this on Ava Desktop). Make sure to select your main screen, check Share audio, then click on Share:

You can keep your computer sound muted and Ava will still be able to "hear" 👍

💡 Note: If you are using Ava to caption a Zoom or Google Meet meeting, you must make sure that the audio source is configured correctly. You can learn how to do that here.

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