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How to caption different people using one Ava account in group conversations

Ava can now distinguish different voices if captioning is done using one phone, currently limited to iOS devices

Updated over 8 months ago

We've heard your concerns and hope our new feature — Speaker Identification — on iOS will help you be as autonomous as possible.

• iPhone users don’t need to ask others to join Ava on their phone anymore! Ava can now distinguish between different voices on one phone.

• Live captioning more than one person on the Ava app is now possible with the new Speaker ID update.

• Want people to use Ava on their phones without installing the Ava App instead?

We got you covered! Click here to see how :)

1) Open the Ava app on your iPhone

2) Make sure people are not more than 12 inches from the microphone

3) Flip your phone upside down so that the microphone faces the people talking

4) Start talking! Ava will ask you are speaking. If it is you, click on "It's me". If not, click on "Not me".

5) When you click on "Not me" a small box will appear to type in the name of the other person talking.

• Type in the name and click on the checkmark circled below.

6) Now Lucia's name should appear above her captions when she talks ✅

Note: If you have multiple speakers, just follow the same process to distinguish between them. A maximum of 5 additional people can be distinguished with Ava's Speaker ID feature.

Customizing speakers' names:

If you assign a block of captions to the wrong person, you could always long tap on the screen, until you get the options below. After that, you click on "Assign", and you can rename your speaker 🙌

If you need increased accuracy, you can learn more about our Scribe solution here.

Happy Captioning!

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